Page:Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.djvu/52

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AGARICUS Echintatus.

This is of an elastic jelly-like substance, similar to Agaricus mollis. The gills divaricate from a little eccentric button of a white downy substance opposite to the attachment by the pileus, which is rough with hairs and rigid points intermixed. Mr. Pitchford first shewed me specimens of this plant at Norwich. I have since found it in abundance on a decaying maple in Greenwich-park.


CLAVARIA phosphorea
RHIZOMORPHA fragilis. Roth. Crypt, minus nota, 7.
HIMANTIA umbrina. Persoon Diss. meth. fung. gen. 73.
AGARICUM nigrum reticulatum compressum, &c. Michel. Gen. 125. t. 66. f. 3.
FUNGUS niger compressus, varie divaricatus et implexus inter lignum et corticem. Raii Syn. 15.

Found in a wine cellar in Little St. Helens, London, creeping among saw-dust and bottles in the autumn of 1796, communicated by Mr. B. M. Forster. It is remarkable for being luminous in the dark, when fresh, at the ends of the shoots. Mr. Forster has doubted whether this phosphoric appearance may not be owing to some vinous moisture imbibed, rather than a natural property of the fungus.