Page:Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.djvu/677

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Fig. 5. Sphærocarpus semitrichoides. Bull. p. 387. fig. 1.

I HAVE only met with this beautiful species once in Kensington Gardens. The stipes is pellucid, white, tapering upwards; the head round, its upper half curiously netted, the lower entire, yellow, including dull of the same colour.

Fig. 6. Sphærocarpus pyriformis. Bull. 417. fig. 2.

THESE specimens, I suppose, were not perfected, as they were mostly burst, or prefected, so as to discharge moisture. They were of a yellowish white, or cream colour, the stipes whitish, tapering upwards, the head yellow; some pear-shaped.

Fig. 7. Mucor erysimi.

NOT unfrequent on the pods, &c. of garlic mustard, Erysimum alliaria. It is very small, covering the plant so as to give it a powdered appearance. When highly magnified, each Fungus is found branching in nearly biternate order, each branch terminating with little oblong or ovate vesicles, with a furrow on one side.

Fig. 8. Dematium articulatum? Persoon Disp. Meth. p. 41. t. 4. fig. 2.

FOUND on dead leaves at Battersea, &c. It forms small bundles, creeping, jointed, without apparent swellings, but somewhat attenuated towards the apex.

Fig. 9. Puccinia rubi.

VERY common, in autumn, on the leaves of brambles, spotting their backs with little sooty-looking clusters which, when magnified, are found to consist of a number of transparent stems, tapering upwards, each with three or four oval heads, resembling little black beads placed on each other, the uppermost somewhat acute at the apex. It is also not uncommon on the foilage of some of the Rosæ.