Page:Comical sayings of Pady from Cork (2).pdf/20

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common treassing for my hat, they made me swear the malicious oath of devilrie against the king, the colours and my captian, telling me if ever I deserted and not run away, that I would be shot, and then I whipt to death through the regiment.

Tom. No Pady, it is first whipt and then shot you mean. Teag. Arra dear shoy, it is all one thing at last, but it is best to be shot, and then whipt, the cleverest way to die I’ll warrand you.

Tom How much pay did you get a week Pady? Teag. Do you know the little fat tall serjeant that lied me to be a soldier.

Tom. And how should I know them I never saw you fool: Teag Dear shoy, you may know him whether you see him or not; for his face is all bor’d in big holes with the small pox, his wife is the colour of a lobster roe, and his chin like a well-washen potatoe; he’s the biggest rogue in our kingdom, you'll know him when he cheats vow and the wide world, and another mark, he dights his mouth before he drinks, and blows his nose before he takes a snuff the rogue height me a sixpence a day kill or no kills and when I said Sunday and Saturday both together, and all the days in one day, I can't make a penny above five pence of it.

Tom. You should have kept an account, and asked your arriers in once a month. Teag. That’s what I did but he read a peteruoster out of his prayer book, wherein all our names is written; so much for a stophole to my gun, to buckles, to a pair of comical harn-huse with leather buttons from top to toe: and worst of all he would have no less than a penny a week to a doctor. Arra. said I, I never had a fore finger nor yer a fisk roe all the days of my life, then what have I to do with the doctor or the doctor to do with me?

Tom. And did he make you pay all those things?

Teag. Ay, ay, pay and better pay, he took me