Frae this aback near forty year,I of this place was overseer,When this Laird's father had the land,A' thing was then at my command,Wi' power to do as I thought fit,In ilka cause I chief did sit:The Laird paid great respect for meBut I an ill return did gie,The Title-Deeds of his EstateOut of the same I did him cheat,And stale them frad whare they did lieSome days before the Laird did dieHis son at that time was in France,And sae I thought I'd hae a chance,Gif he sud never come again,That the Estate would be my ain.But scarcely three bare weeks were past,When death did come and grip me fast,Sae sudden that I hadna pow'r The charter back for to restore,Soon after that hame came the heir,And syne got up the reefu rair,What sorrow was come o' the Rights?They sought them several days and nightsBut never yet had they been seen,As I aneath a muckle staneDid hide them i' this cham'er wa',Weel sew'd up in a leather ba';But I was ne'er allow'd to restUntill that I the same conifest;But this to do I hadna power,Frae yon time to his verra hourThat I've revealed it a to you,And now I'll tell you what to do.