person is a prohibited immigrant. And no person shall obstruct or hinder an officer in the carrying out of the Act or of these Regulations.
15. The approved sureties mentioned in section 7 of the Act shall be such sureties as are approved by the Minister or by a State Collector of Customs. The sureties shall enter into a bond, conditioned to become void if the immigrant leaves the Commonwealth within one month.
NOTE.—A person guilty of any offence against these Regulations is, under section 18 of the Act, liable upon summary conviction to not exceeding £50, and in default of payment to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding three months.
Commonwealth of Australia.
Immigration Restriction Act 1901.
I, Collector of Customs at the port of hereby certify that hereinafter described, has satisfied me that he is domiciled in the Commonwealth, and is leaving the Commonwealth temporarily.
(Insert description)
The day of 1902.
Note.—This certificate must be returned by the applicant. If it is delivered, without just cause or excuse, to any other person, both the person delivering it and the person receiving it are guilty of an offence against the Regulations, and are liable, upon summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding £50, and in default of payment to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any period not exceeding six months.
Department of External Affairs,
Melbourne, 31st December 1901.
HIS Excellency the Governor-General in Council has approved that the following persons be authorized to issue permits to persons desirous of leaving ports in the State placed against the name of each officer for ports in British South Africa, namely:—
- Victoria.—Atlee Authur Hunt, Secretary, Department of External Affairs (with power to appoint deputies).
- New South Wales.—Richard Cornelious Critchett Walker C.M.G., J.P., Principal Under-Secretary.
- Queensland.—James Brunton Stephens, Under-Secretary, Chief Secretary’s Department.
- South Australia.—Lionel Henry Sholl, J.P., Under-Secretary, Chief Secretary’s Department.
- Tasmania.—Frank Lovett, Under-Secretary, Chief Secretary’s Department.
Department of External Affairs,
Melbourne, 3rd January 1902.
HIS Excellency the Governor-General directs it to be notified for general information that from the 25th December, 1902 W. L. Bosschart, Esq., Consul-General for the Netherlands, will take charge of the Italian interests in Australia, vice Cav. Pasquale Corte, Consul-General for Italy in Australia, absent on leave.
By His Excellency’s command,
Printed and Published for the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia by Robt. S. Brain, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.