§ 64.
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pressed by Suffixes for the other persons (§ 66. They also appear, though rarely, in other connections (§ 220 B).
Enclitic forms with participles and adjectives. § 64. Enclitic forms of the 1st and 2nd pers. often coalesce with participles and,—though more rarely,—with adjectives; in such cases marked transformations occasionally occur. In particular in the plural, the first portion [i. e. the participle] loses its final n, while the second [the pronoun] loses its ḥ or a(n). In the 2nd pers. singular, the first portion always loses a short vowel before the final consonant. Thus with ܩܳܜܶܠ "killing" (f. ܩܳܜܠܴܐ &c.); ܓܳܠܷܐ "revealing"; ܫܱܦܻ݁ܝܪ "beautiful": ܕܟ݂ܶܐ "clean":—
Sing. | 1. m. | ܩܳܜܶܠ ܐ̄ܢܳܐ or ܩܳܜܠܢܳܐ "I kill"; ܓܳܠܷܐ ܐ̄ܢܳܐ, ܓܳܠܷܢܳܐ "I reveal"; ܫܱܦܺܝܪ ܐ̄ܢܳܐ "I am beautiful"; ܕܟ݂ܶܐ ܐ̄ܢܳܐ "I am clean". |
1. f. | ܩܳܜܠܴܐ ܐ̄ܢܳܐ; ܓܳܠܝܳܐ ܐ̄ܢܳܐ; ܫܱܦܺܝܪܴܐ ܐ̄ܢܳܐ; ܕܰܟ݂ܝܳܐ ܐ̄ܢܳܐ. | ||
2. m. | ܩܳܜܠܰܬ݁; ܓܳܠܷܝܬ݁; ܫܱܦܺܝܪܴܐ; ܕܟܷܝܬ݁; or without coalescing: ܩܳܜܶܠ ܐܱܢ̄ܬ݁; ܓܳܠܷܐ ܐܱܢ̄ܬ݁; ܫܱܦܺܝܪ ܐܱܢ̄ܬ݁; ܕܟ݂ܶܐ ܐܱܢ̄ܬ݁. | ||
2. f. | ܩܳܜܠܱܬ݁ܝ; ܓܳܠܝܱܬ݁ܝ; ܫܱܦܺܝܪܱܬ݁ܝ; ܕܰܟ݂ܝܱܬ݁ܝ or separately ܩܳܜܠܴܐ ܐܱܢ̄ܬ݁ܝ; ܓܳܠܝܳܐ ܐܱܢ̄ܬ݁ܝ; ܫܱܦܺܝܪܴܐ ܐܱܢ̄ܬ݁ܝ; ܕܰܟ݂ܝܳܐ ܐܱܢ̄ܬ݁ܝ. | ||
Plural | 1. m. | ܩܳܜܠܺܝܢܱܢ; ܓܳܠܷܝܢܱܢ; ܫܱܦܺܝܪܻܝܢܱܢ; ܕܟܷܝܢܱܢ; or written separately, though pronounced in exactly the same way: ܩܳܜܠܺܝܢ ܚܢܱܢ (ܩܜܠܝܢ ܐܚܢܢ); ܓܳܠܷܝܢ ܚܢܱܢ; ܫܱܦܺܪܻܝܢ ܚܢܱܢ; ܕܟܷܝܢ ܚܢܱܢ. | |
1. f. | |||
2. m. | ܩܳܜܠܻܝܬ݁ܘܿܢ; ܓܳܠܷܝܬ݁ܘܿܢ; ܫܱܦܺܝܪܻܝܬ݁ܘܿܢ; ܕܟܷܝܬ݁ܘܿܢ; or written separately, though spoken in the same way:—ܩܳܜܠܻܝܢ ܐ̄ܢ̄ܬ݁ܘܿܢ; ܓܳܠܻܝܢ ܐ̄ܢ̄ܬ݁ܘܿܢ; ܫܱܦܺܝܪܻܝܢ ܐ̄ܢ̄ܬ݁ܘܿܢ; ܕܟܻܝܢ ܐ̄ܢ̄ܬ݁ܘܿܢ. | ||
2. f. | ܩܴ̈ܜܠܴܬܻ݁ܝܢ; ܫܱܦܺܝܪܴ̈ܬܻ݁ܝܢ[2] or written separately, ܩܴ̈ܜܠܴܢ ܐ̄ܢܬܷ݁ܝܢ[errata 1]; ܓ̈ܳܠܝܳܢ ܐ̄ܢ̄ܬܷ݁ܝܢ; ܫܱܦܺܝܪ̈ܳܢ ܐ̄ܢ̄ܬܷ݁ܝܢ; ܕܰܟܝ̈ܳܢ ܐ̄ܢ̄ܬܷ݁ܝܢ. |
- ↑ For the feminine form the masculine form ܩܳܜܠܻܝܢܱܢ, &c. sometimes appears.
- ↑ When the participle or adjective ends in ◌ܻܐ, the 2nd fem. pl. form of the enclitic, and the participle are written separately.
- ↑ In homely prose I find such a form in the Rules for Monks of Mt Izlā, of the year 571 (Rendic. della Accad. dei Lincei 1898, 43, 10): ܒ݁ܥܝܢ i. e. ܒܳܥܷܝܢ "I beseech". Ebedjesu substitutes for it the usual ܒ݁ܥܐ ܐܢܐ.