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Ord. No. 14 of 2012
(b) if the person entitled to the property is unknown or cannot be found, make an order that the property be sold or retained in the possession of the Tribunal or the Commission; or
(c) if the property is of no value, order that the property be destroyed.

(3) An order for the delivery, sale or destruction of property must not, except where the property is perishable, be made under subsection (2) unless the Tribunal is satisfied that the property will not be required for the purpose of any proceedings before the Tribunal or any other court.

(4) If—

(a) the Tribunal orders the sale or retention of any property under subsection (2); and
(b) no person establishes a claim to the property or the proceeds of sale of the property within 6 months after the day on which the order is made,

the Tribunal may, either of its own motion or on application by the Commission, order that the property or the proceeds of sale become the property of the Government.

(5) An order made under subsection (2), other than an order for the retention of property, must not, except where the property is perishable, be carried out until the period allowed for making an appeal against the order has expired or, where such an appeal is made, until the appeal is finally disposed of.

(6) An appeal is finally disposed of, for the purpose of subsection (5)—

(a) if it is determined and the period for bringing any further appeal has ended; or
(b) if it is abandoned or otherwise ceases to have effect.

58. Legal professional privilege

(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Part does not affect any claims, rights or entitlements that would, but for this Part, arise on the ground of legal professional privilege.

(2) Subsection (1) does not affect any requirement under this Ordinance to disclose the name and address of a client of a counsel or solicitor.

59. Guidelines

(1) The Commission may amend any guidelines it issues under this Part.

(2) Guidelines issued under this Part, and any amendments made to them, may be published in any manner the Commission considers appropriate.