The greatest care has been taken to provide the most thorough and complete Table of Contents and Index for these statutes.
The constitution of the United States, the constitution of North Dakota, and the enabling act have also been included herein, with annotations thereto.
The work of comparing and critically compiling all the laws found in 'the previous compilations or codes and in the subsequent session laws has been done with the most extraordinary and scrutinizing care, chiefly by Mr. Charles C. Moore, author of "Moore on Facts," and also of the very valuable treatise on Statutory Construction, contained in the Federal Statutes Annotated of which he was one of the compilers. To him are due the exceptionally full and critical notes that deal with the statutory provisions themselves in their rela- tion to each other,-a good sample of which is the note at the head of the military code, on page 568. He has worked constantly in direct association and consultation with the editorial staff of the publisher, which has been responsible for all the other annotations to the statutes, as well as for the Index to the work.
August, 1914.