repetition is omitted and the scheme of the index is simplified. The "catch words" also being arranged alphabetically, obviates the necessity of looking through the entire references made under a main head to find what is desired. Where citations are made to collateral subjects the section numbers have been enumerated wherever it has been possible to do so. In some instances, however, the collateral subject referred to embraces so many different sections in different chapters of the code that it has been found impossible to give, in the index, the numbers of the sections. These citations enable one to turn immediately to the sections in the code comprising the subject matter referred to.
At the end of each section is indicated the origin and history of the provision embraced therein-the former session law, chapter and section, or code, from which the subject matter was taken or by which it was revised. Reference is made to revised codes of 1899, except where a section originated with or was changed by the revision of 1895.
Abbreviations used:" R. C.," revised codes; " Pol. C.," political code; " Civ. C.," civil code; "C. Civ. P.," code of civil procedure; Pro. C.," probate code; " Jus. C.," justices' code; "Pen. C.," penal code; "C. Cr. P.," code of criminal procedure.
Under the provisions of the law authorizing this codification, after proclamation by the governor, the revised codes of 1905 shall be in full force and effect and be received as evidence of the laws of this state in all courts thereof. An effort has been made to avoid errors in this codification but inasmuch as codification only and not revision was authorized, there appear some conflicting provisions which as occasion may demand the courts must construe.
E. F. PORTEB, Secretary of State.