nation of the Son of God, the Father and the Holy Ghost also took part in this great work.” (p. 19.)
Proofs from Holy Scripture.
127. The motive for the work of redemption, and the purpose of the descent upon earth of the Son of God. “I. Why did it please the tri-hypostatic God to redeem us? There is one cause for it: his infinite love for us sinners. II. As to the purpose of the embassy and of the descent into the world of the Son of God, that is clearly indicated by the holy church when it teaches us to profess: ‘Who has descended from heaven for the sake of us men, and for the sake of our salvation.’” Proved by Holy Scripture.
128. The eternal predetermination of the redemption, and why the Redeemer did not come earlier upon earth.
The redemption had been predetermined from eternity. God, in spite of his goodness, foresaw the fall of man and all his sufferings. God did not redeem us at once, (1) in order that men might feel their fall and desire their redemption; “(2) it was necessary that the infection of the sin, which had deeply penetrated the nature of man, should slowly come to the surface.” (p. 28.)
For this purpose it was necessary for billions of people to fall into sin and misfortune.
“(3) It was necessary to prepare people for the arrival upon earth of such an extraordinary Messenger of God as was the Redeemer.” (p. 28.)
It was necessary for a period of 5,500 years to prepare humanity for it by signs.
(4) It was necessary that humanity should pass a long series of purifications and sanctifications in the host of the holy men of the Old Testament. (p. 29.)
129. The preparation by God of the human race for the reception of the Redeemer, and the faith in him at all times. The preparations of the human race were: (1) the