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Page:Complete Works of Menno Simons.djvu/721

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AN EPISTLE TO MARTIN MICRON. 421 will prove by all your actions that you are a chosen child of God, born of the heavenly seed of the holy Word, and that you are become a live member of the body of the Lord. Behold, dear Micron, such penitence and and reformation I sincerely wish you; and I would like to see it truly manifest in you, in power and truth, and that I then, for the sake of the testimony of Jesus, together with 3'ou, would have to make a sacrifice of my blood, to the praise of the Lord, and to the edification of our neighbors. I re- peat it, repent, that the precious treasure, given for us, be not lost in your case. I would herewith commend you to Al- mighty God. He will bestow upon you ac- cording to his great grace, as I would like to see you receive. No more hereafter, however much you may cry and write, un- less you be converted into a better mind, and I constrained and iirged to do so by the godfearing. Nor shall I hereafter solicit a public dis- cussion with any person, and that for this reason, first: Because I have these many years, desired it by numerous written and verbal requests, and have never been grant- ed it. From which it is manifest that they care but little about the glory of God, and the souls of men. Secondly, because your principal teach- ers and exemplary men, as John A'Lasco, Calvin, and Theodore Beza, whom j^ou con- fess to be your most worthy and most be- loved brethren, are men of blood.- That this is the case is testified to by their own books, as also by old Seructus of Geneva, and Joris of Paris, who was burned in Eng- land. Thirdly, because your brethren, the Welsh church, as they are called, at Frankfort have, in their publications, sworn against US", which two things we did not so posi- tively know heretofore as we do now. Inasmuch as I plainly see that there is but deceit, faithlessness, blood-thirstiness and perverseness found among the children of men wherever one may turn himself; and as nothing does, nor can avail on earth but the praise of Christ and the salvation of souls; therefore I will let Babylon, with its false preachers, impui'e doctrine, idolatrous baptism and supper, together with its false religion, and impenitent, vain, easy life, be Babylon, and will, with the holy proph- et Habakkuk, stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and thus clearly sound the trumpet of the holy, divine word from the walls and gates of Jerusalem, ac- cording to my small talent and faithfully awaken the citizens of the eternal peace, joyfully to sing the lovely Hallelujah through the streets, with grateful, joyous hearts, to the honor of God, Heb. 2: 1; to attire themselves, before God and the world, in the shining, white raiment of the saints, in sincerity of heart and purity of doctrine. I will faithfully admonish them with care- ful, pious Esdras and say, My people, hear .my word, and prepare yourselves for the battle, and evil things, &c., 4 Esdras 16: 41. With holy Paul, "Take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day," Eph, 6: 13. And with Christ himself: Watch and pra}^ Matt. 24:42; Mark 13:33; Luke 21:36; 1 Pet. 4: 7. For the prince of darkness with his whole force and kingdom, besieges the city of God, storms by night and day, uses many means, with flesh and blood, as false- hood and false doctrine, lusts of the eye, imprisonment, banishment, confiscation, bloodshed, tyranny and violence. Whoso- ever does not constantly pray, and fear the Lord, can not stand. I will let Babylon be Babylon. Those who are piously inclined will leave off their ungodliness and wed themselves to Christ; for truth is revealed, and the repast is pre- pared. Blessed is he who enters in with sincerity of heart, and saves his wedding garment. I would sincerely warn all the chosen children of God, the sincere fiiithful brethren and sisters of Christ, with beloved John, our most beloved brother and fellow in tribulation, in the kingdom and in the patience of Jesus Christ, and say, children, " Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the Inst of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world; and the world passeth away, and

the lust thereof; but he that doeth the wiU