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Page:Complete history of the late Mexican war.djvu/112

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Names of the commissioned officers killed and wounded during the operation before Monterey, Mexico, from September 21 to September 23, 1846, inclusive.

Killed.—Sept. 21.— J S Wood, bvt, 1t Lieut. 2d Infantry; L N Morris. Capt, 3d Infantry; George P Field. Capt, 3d infantry; P N Barbour. Capt and bvt Major, 3d Infantry; D S Irwin, 1st Lieut and adj, 3d Infantry; R Hazlitt, 2d Lieut, 3d Infantry: C Hoskins. 1st Lieut and Adj, 4th Infantry; H McKaveit, Capt. 8th Infantry; W E Watson. Lieut Col. Balt and Wash volunteers; M Hett. 1st Lieut, 1st Ohio regiment; WB Allen, Capt, 1st Tenn regiment; S N Putnam. 2d Lieut 1st Tenn regiment.

Wounded.—Sep. 21.— W G Williams, Capt, Top Engineers, mortally; J H F Mansfield. bvt Major, Engineers, severely; J L Abercrombie, bvt Major. 1st Infantry, slightly J H Lamotte, Capt, 1st Infantry severely; J C Terrett, 1st Lieut, 1st Infantry, mortally. K Dilworth, 2d Lieut, 1st Infantry, mortally; W W Lear, Major, 3d Infantry, dangerously; H Bainbridse, Capt. 3d infantry, slightly: R H Graham, 1st Lieut, 4th Infantry, dangerously; N B Rossell, 1st Lieut; 4th Infantry, slightly.

Sept. 22.—J H Potter, 2d Lieut, 7th Infantry, severely; George Wainwright. 2d Lieut. 8th Infantry, severely.

Sept. 23.—R C Gatlin, Capt. 7th Infantry, severely.

Sept. 21.—W O Butler, Major Gen, volunteer service, severely; A M Mitchell, Col, 1st Ohio regiment, severely ; A W Armstrong, Adj, 1st Ohio regiment, severely; James George, Capt, 1st Ohio regiment, slightly; Lewis Matter, 1st Lieut, 1st Ohio regiment slightly; A McCarty, 2d Lieut, 1st Ohio regiment, slightly; N H Niles, 2a Lieut, 1st Ohio regiment, slightly; R B Alexander, Major, 1st Tenn regiment, severely; J L Scudder, 1st Lieut, 1st Ten regiment, severely; G H Nixon, 1st Lieut, 1st Tenn regiment, slightly; J C Allen. 2d Lieut, 1st Tenn regiment, severely; A K McClung, Lieut Col, Miss regiment, severely; R N Downing, Capt, Miss Regiment, slightly; H F Cook, 1st Lieut, Miss regiment, slightly; R H Arthur, 2d Lieut, Miss regiment, slightly.

Sept. 22.—R A Gillespie, Capt, 1st Texas regiment, mortally; W E Reese, 1st Lieut. 1st Texas regiment.

Sept. 23.—L S Howard, 2d Lieut, Miss regiment, severely.

The returns of the killed, wounded, and missing, show the following results:

Commissioned officers 43
Non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates 447
Missing 2
Making a total of ——— 492


Park of Artillery.—Division of the North.

Invoice of Artillery, Arms, Ammunition, and other Munitions of War, given in virtue of the articles of capitulation, signed September 24, 1846.

Pieces of Artillery with Equipments and Sets of Arms.

2 4-pounders, culverine, mounted.
5 4-pounders
4 7-inch howitzers.
1 12-pounder, dismounted.
1 6-pounder, mounted.
1 8-pounder, mounted.
1 4-pounder, dismounted, conical
1 3-pounder, dismounted,
1 iron howitzer, unserviceable
1 bronze howitzer, unserviceable
7 rampart guns, (bronzed.)
Arms for Infantry and Cavalry
149 English muskets
102 carbines
123 bayonets.