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Page:Complete history of the late Mexican war.djvu/120

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John Childers Patrick Morron George Frank
Cornelius Crowley Henry McCampbill Thornton McFarland
Joha Hamilton Thomas xxx Txxx xxx
William Myers Leonard Elias Charles Truman
Philip Ryan David Jermen Frederick A Collins
Timothy Sullivan Eli Gable Elliott Ellmer
William Kenny Charles McKinne Daniel Smith
Charles K E Hyer Jacob Varnes Daniel Wise
Edward Zimmerman Jos Butterfield


Edward Quin John Witty John Montgomery
Isaac Tracy John Venator Theodore Woodbury


1st. Lieut. Levi Cautt John M Nash Joseph N Garnett
Sergt. William A Morrison Patrick Sheridan Keyran Temple
Corpl. James Tierney Lewis Rinhart Richard Shore
Michael Elwood, mus. William Steinson Neill Donnelly


Cpt. Silas Casey William T Ray Thomas Rose, mus
1st Lieut. N Lyon Thomas Graham John Brown
Corpl. Robert Bailey Lewis Hastings Daniel Car
"William Bond John Kavanaug Peter Kerr
"William Evans Patrick Kelly Alexander Beebe
F McNally John Serape Augustus Walker
John Keely Daniel Lanahan Corpl. William Anderson
George Martin John Lynch Francis H Fox
John Wallace James Sullivan John McLaughlin
Corpl. Ellis John Steevier Thomas Navy
Stevenson Samuel Nobie James Lilly
William Feather Nicholas C James Joseph Gilhully
Titus S Gillow Patrick McKenna Patrick Murphy
William Hughes Jacob Miller Charles Howard
Ervin Levin Abraham Sammens John Barnes
Patrick Gallagher Capt. Thomas Handey George K Flegg
John Daly Charles Clark John Hughes
Hiram Shippey Benjamin Little Patrick Murphy
Richard G Martin Sergt. Asabel H Wells


Stephen L Rouse John Pierce
Michael Gilmore David Mayer

Total-Killed 30; Wounded 104; Missing 10.


Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the Third Division commanded by Major General Pillow, during the attack on Chapultepec and the city of Mexico on the on the 13th and 14th September 1847.


Major Gen. Gideon J Pillow Lieut. G T Beauregard

First Artillery, Co. I—Field Battery.


Capt. J B Magrauder Edmond Lanergan Anthony Kreiss
Paul Dalryn J Donelly William Merrick