By the Revelation, which He has given us by the Prophets, and last of all by His Son. (See p. 75, quest. 10.)
'No man hath seen God at any time; the Only-begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him' (John i. 18).
8. Why do we say, 'I believe in God,' and not only, 'I believe God'?
Because we must not only believe that there is a God, and that all that He has said is true; but we must likewise give ourselves up to God with love and confidence.
9. Why do we call God a 'Spirit'?
We call God a Spirit because He has understanding and free will, but no body (John iv. 24).
10. And why do we say that 'God is infinitely perfect'?
Because God is not like created beings, good only in some measure, but because He unites in Himself all good perfections without measure, or bounds, or number.
11. Which are the principal Attributes or Perfections of God?
These: God is eternal and unchangeable, omnipresent, omniscient or all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful; He is infinitely holy and just; infinitely good, merciful, and long-suffering; infinitely true and faithful.
12. What means 'God is eternal'?
God is eternal means that He is always, without beginning and without end.
'Before the mountains were made, or the earth and the world was formed; from eternity to eternity Thou art God' (Ps. lxxxix. 2).
13. What means 'God is unchangeable'?
God is unchangeable means that He remains eternally the same, without any change either in Himself or in His decrees.
'With whom [God] there is no change, nor shadow of alteration' (James i. 17). 'My counsel shall stand, and all my will shall be done' (Isai. xlvi. 10).