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will fly from you' (James iv. 7). — Example: Tobias and Sara (Tob. vi. 16-19, and viii. 4-10).

Application. Beware of being like the evil spirits by sinning, or of being even their accomplice in seducing others to sin. Imitate the good Angels; be innocent, docile, pious, devout, and always ready to promote the welfare of your neighbor. Daily venerate your Guardian Angel, and recommend yourself to him in all dangers of soul and body. (Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels.)

§ 5. Man and his Fall.

(See Short History of Revealed Religion, 1, 2.)

69. How did God make the first man, Adam?

God formed a body of the slime of the earth, and breathed an immortal soul into it; and the first man was made (Gen. ii. 7).

70. How did God distinguish man at his creation from all other creatures?

By creating him to His own image (Gen. i. 27).

71. How was the first man the image of God?

By this: that he was endowed with natural and supernatural gifts, which made him resemble God.

72. In what do the 'natural' gifts consist?

Especially in this: that the human soul is an immortal spirit, endowed with understanding and free will.

73. In what do the 'supernatural ' gifts consist?

Especially in this: 1. That the first man possessed sanctifying grace, and together with it the sonship of God, and the right of inheriting the kingdom of Heaven; 2. That in him the senses never rebelled against reason; and 3. That he was never to be subjected to hardships and sufferings, nor to death.

74. Why are the latter called supernatural gifts?

They are called supernatural gifts because they do not belong to our nature, but are extraordinary and free gifts of God.