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Those who lived before the coming of the Redeemer of the world could not indeed enter Heaven before Him; but with the grace which God gave them on account of the Redeemer to come, they could merit the kingdom of Heaven, and then enter into it with Him.

The whole of the Old Testament bears witness of the many eminent graces which God gave to the Israelites, and to the just who lived under the Patriarchal law. (Short Hist, of Revealed Rel., 6-19).

91. Did God give grace also to the pagans for the salvation of their souls?

Yes; He manifested Himself also to the pagans, and in many ways exhorted them to repentance and amendment:

1. By the voice of conscience; 2. By natural benefits; 3. By His judgments; 4. By extraordinary men whom He raised among them or sent to them; 5. By the Israelites whom, with their holy books. He dispersed among them; and 6. Sometimes also by Angels, dreams, wonderful apparitions or events.

1. 'Who [the Gentiles] show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness to them' (Rom. ii, 15). 2. 'He left not Himself without testimony, doing good from Heaven, giving rains and fruitful seasons,' etc. (Acts xiv, 16). 3. Deluge; punishment of Sodom, of Egypt, of Chanaan, and of other places (compare Wisd. xii. and xvi-xviii.). 4. Job, Balaam, Jonas, Daniel, etc. 5, 'He hath therefore scattered you [Israelites] among the Gentiles, who know not Him, that you may declare His wonderful works, and make them known that there is no other almighty God besides Him' (Tob. xiii. 4). 6. Cornelius, the centurion, was advised by an Angel (Acts X. 3); Nabuchodonosor, by dreams (Dan. ii. 4); Baltassar, by a mysterious hand (Dan. v.); Balaam, by an ass (Num. xxii. 22, 28-30).

92. Did the Redeemer come immediately after the fall of our first parents?

No; a long period elapsed: and meanwhile mankind learned by experience into what great misery sin had plunged them, and that no one but God could save them.