20. Did not also Christ and the Apostles appeal to the testimony of the prophets?
Yes; Christ and the Apostles proved to the Jews from the writings of the prophets that the Messias was come, and that He Himself — Jesus of Nazareth — was the Messias.
'Search the Scriptures,' said Jesus to the Jews, 'and the same are they that give testimony of me' (John v. 39). He convinced also the unbelieving Disciples from the prophets (Luke xxiv. 25-27, and xliv. 47). St. Peter convinced by the prophecies the three thousand and the five thousand who were baptized (Acts ii. and iii.). St. Paul protested before King Agrippa, saying: 'Being aided by the help of God, I stand unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying no other thing than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come to pass' (Acts xxvi. 22). The Evangelists, in their narrative, always refer to the prophets. It is also said of Apollo: 'With much vigor he convinced the Jews openly, showing by the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ'—i.e., the Promised Messias (Acts xviii. 28).
21. Do we see nothing else fulfilled in Christ but the prophecies?
We see also in Him the fulfilment of all the Figures by which the deeds and sufferings of the Messias were indicated many centuries before.
22. Which are the most remarkable Figures of the Messias?
1. His Passion and Death were prefigured by Abel, Isaac, Joseph, David, the Paschal Lamb, the Propitiatory Sacrifice, and the Brazen Serpent; 2. His Priesthood chiefly by Melchisedech; 3. His office of Prophet and Mediator by Moses; 4. His Resurrection by Jonas in the whale's belly; and 5. His Church and the Holy Sacraments by the Ark, the Red Sea, the Manna, and the Temple with its various appurtenances and sacrifices (Hebr. ix.).
Application. How happy you are to know and possess the promised Saviour of the world, for whom the holy Patriarchs sighed so long and so ardently! May He al-