and His denial by Peter; the manner of His death; His resurrection; His ascension, etc.
31. Which prophecies of Christ do we still see being accomplished?
These, for instance: 1. That the Gospel shall be preached in the whole world (Matt. xxiv. 14); 2. That the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church (Matt. xvi. 18); and 3. That of the Temple of Jerusalem there shall not be left a stone upon a stone (Mark xiii. 2).
With a view to falsify the prediction of our Lord and of the prophets, the Apostate Emperor Julian resolved, in 353, to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem. Full of joy, the Jews came in great haste from all countries, set to work, and cleared away the rubbish of the old Temple, insomuch that not one stone was left upon another. But when they were going to commence the building, terrible flames flashed out of the ground, which partly killed the workmen, and partly put them to flight. This occurred at each fresh attempt that was made, until they gave up their undertaking. This miracle is attested by contemporary pagan as well as Christian writers.
32. How did Jesus seal the doctrine of His Divinity with His death?
When the High Priest adjured Him in the name of the living God, He solemnly confessed that He was ' the Christ, the Son of God, and that they shall see Him sitting on the right hand of the power of God, and coming in the clouds of Heaven '; and, on account of this confession. He suffered death (Matt. xxvi. 63, 64; John xix. 7).
As it would be the most grievous sin falsely to pretend to be God, so it is the greatest dishonor to Jesus Christ not to give credit to His declaration that He is God.
33. What do the Apostles teach of Jesus Christ?
The Apostles explicitly teach, 1. That Jesus Christ is true God; 2. That He possesses all the fulness of the Godhead, and the infinite perfections of God; and 3. That all creatures should adore Him.