She is justly so called because Christ, who was born of her according to the flesh, is true God.
'The Holy One which shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God ' (Luke i. 35). The doctrine of Nestorius, that Mary is not to be called the Mother of God, was condemned as heretical by the General Council of Ephesus in 431.
12. Do we believe that, therefore, Mary is equal to God?
No; Mary is a creature and therefore infinitely below God.
13. Had Jesus Christ also an earthly father?
As Man, Jesus Christ had no father; for Joseph, the virgin-spouse of Mary, was only His foster father.
'Jesus being [as it was supposed] the Son of Joseph' (Luke iii. 23).
14. Why did the Son of God become man?
1. That He might be able to suffer and die for us; for as God He could neither suffer nor die; and 2. That by the example of His life, as well as by His word, He might teach us virtue and holiness.
15. What virtues does Jesus teach us by His example?
All virtues in the highest degree, especially zeal for the honor of God1, and for the salvation of men;2 meekness,3 humility,4 patience,5 kindness and mercy towards every one,6 even our greatest enemies;7 and obedience to His Heavenly Father unto death.8
1 Chastisement of the profaners of the Temple. 2 Jesus the good shepherd. 3 Reprimand of the Apostles who were going to call fire from Heaven. 4 Washing of the feet of the Apostles. 5 His Passion. 6 Jesus, the merciful Samaritan; Jesus at the well of Jacob; in the house of Zacheus, etc. 7 'Friend, whereto art thou come?' 'Father, forgive them.' 8 'Father, not my will, but Thine be done.'
16. What example does Jesus give in particular to young people?
He teaches them, by His example, readily to obey, to take delight in prayer and instruction, to love to stay