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43. What has the Church to do, in order to lead men to salvation?

She has, 1. To preach the doctrine of Christ to them; 2. To administer to them the means of grace instituted by Christ; and 3. To guide and govern them in the way to eternal life.

44. How has Christ enabled the Church to do all this in a proper manner?

1. He has entrusted the Church with His doctrine, His means of grace, and His powers, by conferring upon her His Teaching, His Priestly, and His Pastoral Office; and 2. He has given her the help of the Holy Ghost, in order that she might also always keep the Divine doctrine pure, rightly administer the means of grace, and exercise her powers for the salvation of mankind.

45. By whom is the Divine doctrine always preserved pure and uncorrupted in the Church?

By the Infallible Teaching Body of the Church.

46. Who composes this Infallible Teaching Body?

The Pope, and the Bishops united with him.

They are also called the Teaching Church,or simply the Church (Matt, xviii. 17), in contradistinction to the rest of the faithful, who are called the Hearing Church.

47. Why is the Teaching Church called infallible?

Because, by the assistance of the Holy Ghost, she is secured against erring both in matters of faith and of morals.

48. Who assures us that the Church cannot err?

Christ Himself, who has promised us, 1. That ' He will be with her all days, even to the consummation of the world' (Matt, xxviii. 20); 2. That 'the Spirit of Truth shall abide with her for ever ' (John xiv. 16, 17); 3. That 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against her' (Matt. xvi. 18).

1 Were it possible that the Teaching Church might err, the Hearing Church would likewise fall into error, as she is to be instructed and guided by the former; and then the whole