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Triumphant; yet these three Churches are, strictly speaking, but one in different states.

75. In what does this spiritual union consist?

This spiritual union consists in this: that all are members of one body, whose head is Christ Jesus, and that therefore the different members participate in one another's spiritual goods.

As in one body we have many members, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another' (Rom. xii. 4, 5). 'He [Christ] is the Head of the body, the Church' (Col. i. 18).

76. What is this spiritual union called?

The Communion of Saints.

77. Why are all the members of this Communion styled 'Saints'?

Because all are called to he Saints (1 Thess. iv. 3), and have been sanctified by baptism; and many of them have already arrived at sanctity.

78. What benefit do we reap from the communion with the Saints in Heaven?

We partake of the merits which they acquired while here below, and are assisted by their intercession with God in our behalf.

79. But does not death dissolve all union between the living and the dead?

No; no more than it dissolves their union with Christ, their Head.

80. What benefit do the souls in Purgatory receive from our communion with them?

We come to the assistance of these our suffering brethren, in order that their pains may be mitigated and shortened.

81. By what means can we assist the poor souls in Purgatory?

By prayers, alms-deeds, and other good works, especially by "the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the application of Indulgences.