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or the Sabbath-day (day of rest), in memory of God's resting on that day, after He had finished the work of Creation in six days. In the New Law it is the first day of the week, or the Sunday, in memory of the accomplishment of our Redemption, which is a new spiritual Creation (Gal. vi. 15).

'In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it' (Exod. XX. 11; comp. Gen. ii. 2, 3).

3. How was our Redemption accomplished on the Sunday?

It was on a Sunday that our Saviour rose from the dead, and it was also on a Sunday that He sent down the Holy Ghost upon His Church.

4. What works of piety, should we perform on the Sunday?

1. We are bound to hear Mass, and, if possible, we should also attend the other Divine Service, especially the Sermon and Catechetical Instruction; and 2. We should receive the Holy Sacraments, read books of devotion, or meditate on the great truths of our Religion, and occupy ourselves in works of mercy, either corporal or spiritual (James i. 27).

5. Which works are servile and forbidden?

All bodily works which are commonly performed by servants, day-laborers, and tradesmen.

"Works by which the mind only is exerted are not numbered amongst the servile works. But all those noisy and those merely worldly employments, which disturb quiet religious observance, such as law-suits, buying and selling, etc., are also forbidden.

6. Is it never lawful to do servile work on a Sunday?

It is lawful: 1. When the Pastors of the Church, for weighty reasons, give a dispensation; and 2. As often as the honor of God,1 the good of our neighbor,2 or urgent necessity 3 require it.