the Commandment or from a deliberate resistance to the Church. This opinion is erroneous, and has been expressly condemned by the Church (Alexand. VII. Propos. 23). Nay, there is a culpable disobedience when one knowingly and deliberately does what the Church has forbidden, even though it be neither attended with obstinacy nor contempt of the Commandment, but is done either through gluttony or through a weak complaisance to others.
14. Should we, on fasting-days, content ourselves with abstaining from food?
No; we should, according to the intention of the Church, spend these days in the spirit of penance, and sanctify them by prayer and good works (Isaias lviii. 6,7).
Application. Respect the Commandment of fasting and abstinence as a Commandment which God Himself has given you through His Church, and consider it an honor to observe it strictly.
1. What are we commanded by the Third and Fourth Commandments of the Church?
By the Third and Fourth Commandments we are commanded, 1. To confess our sins faithfully at least once a year; and 2. To receive the Holy Communion worthily at Easter or during the Easter-time; that is, from the first Sunday in Lent till Trinity Sunday, inclusive.
2. To whom must the confession be made?
To any Priest authorized by the Bishop to hear confessions.
In former times the faithful were commanded by the Church to confess their sins once a year to their own Parish Priest, or to ask leave of him if they wished to confess to another Priest. Hence comes this form of the Commandment, which is still in use in some dioceses: 'Thou shalt confess thy sins once a year to thy Parish Priest, or, with his permission, to another. '