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is, to do what the Church does, or what Christ has ordained.

17. What name should be given to the child in Baptism?

The name of some saint, in whom the child may have an intercessor with God, and an example for imitation.

18. Why must the person to be baptized renounce Satan, all his works, and all his pomps, before Baptism?

Because no one can belong to Christ, unless he renounce not only Satan, but also his worksi.e., sin — and his pompsi.e., the spirit and the vanities of the world, by which Satan blinds men and entices them to sin (Matt. iv. 8, 9).

In Baptism we promise to believe, to avoid sin, and to lead a new life pleasing to God. On the other hand, God promises us His grace and eternal salvation. These mutual promises are called the Covenant of Baptism.

19. Why does the Priest place a white linen cloth upon our head in Baptism?

To remind us that we should preserve the innocence we have received pure and spotless until death; therefore, when he puts it on us, he says: 'Receive this white garment, and see thou carry it without stain before the judgment-seat of our Lord Jesus Christ, that thou mayest have eternal life.'

20. What does the lighted candle, which is put into the child's hand after he is baptized, signify?

That a Christian ought to shine by his faith and virtuous life before the whole world.

'So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven' (Matt. V. 16).

The other ceremonies of Baptism are also very ancient, and have all a deep meaning. 1. The person to be baptized remains at first without the church, because only Baptism gives him entrance into it. 2. The Priest breathes three times in his face, to signify the new and spiritual life he receives by the grace of the Holy Ghost (Gen. ii. 7, and John xx. 22). 3. The sign of the Cross made upon his forehead and upon his breast denotes