14. How is a person to prepare himself for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation?
1. He must cleanse his conscience at least from all grievous sins; 2. He must get himself well instructed in the fundamental truths of our faith, particularly in those which regard this Sacrament; and 3. He must heartily desire the grace of the Holy Ghost, and, for that purpose, he must fervently pray, and perform good works.
15. How are we to receive Confirmation?
We must, 1. Earnestly ask for the Gifts of the Holy Ghost; 2. Promise God that we will live, and die, as good Christians; and 3. Not leave the church before the Bishop has given his benediction.
16. What should we do after Confirmation?
We should, 1. Give humble thanks to God; 2. Spend that day especially in devotion; and 3. Preserve and increase the grace of the Holy Ghost by perseverance in our struggle against the enemies of salvation, and by an ardent zeal in all that is good.
17. Why are Sponsors, or Godfathers and Godmothers, required also in Confirmation?
That they may present to the Bishop those who are to be confirmed, and afterwards advise and help them in their spiritual combat for which they are consecrated in this Sacrament.
The Sponsor enters into this engagement by laying his hand on the right shoulder of the person to be confirmed. Thus he becomes his spiritual Parent and Guardian, and has to preserve him from losing the grace of Confirmation; and there arises from it the same spiritual relationship, but not the same impediment of marriage, as in Baptism.
18. What qualities does the Church require in the Godfathers and Godmothers of those who are confirmed?
They must be Catholics, must have been confirmed, be blameless in their conduct, and of such age that they are able to fulfil their duties as Sponsors. Parents cannot