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30. What should we do in order to obtain supernatural Contrition?

We should, 1. Earnestly ask God for His grace; and 2. We should seriously call to our mind what Faith teaches us concerning the malice of sin, and its fatal consequences;[1] for supernatural Contrition must proceed from grace and motives of Faith.

31. Why must Contrition proceed from motives of Faith?

1. Because Faith is the foundation and root of all Justification; and 2. Because, otherwise. Contrition does not prompt us to renounce evil entirely and for ever, but only inasmuch as we have to dread temporal losses.

32. How many kinds of supernatural Contrition are there?

Two: Perfect Contrition and Imperfect Contrition, commonly called Attrition.

33. When is Contrition 'Perfect'?

When it arises from Perfect Love; i.e., when we detest sin more than all other evils, for the reason that it offends God, the Supreme Good,

Since Perfect Contrition proceeds from Perfect Love, in order to excite ourselves to Perfect Contrition it is very profitable, previously, or at the same time, to excite ourselves to Perfect Love of God.

34. When is Contrition ' Imperfect '?

When our Love is not Perfect, and when, therefore, our fear of Hell and of the loss of Heaven, or our sense of the heinousness of sin itself, must unite with it in causing us to detest sin above all other evils, and to resolve to offend God no more.

Perfect Contrition is, therefore, a sorrow for sin arising from the Perfect Love of God; Imperfect Contrition is, on the contrary, a sorrow for sin arising from any other motive which, though good and supernatural, is not perfect. In order to excite ourselves to Perfect Contrition, let us consider how much God deserves to be loved by us, on account of His infinite good

  1. See pg. 225 and 228, quest. 11-15, and page 131, quest. 14