Yes, Christ has abundantly satisfied for our sins; nevertheless. He requires that we also, in union with Him, should make satisfaction; just as He has prayed for us, and nevertheless requires that we also should pray in order to be saved.
'I fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ' (Col. i. 24). 'If we suffer with Him, we shall be also glorified with Him' (Rom. viii. 17),
74. From whom has the Priest the power to impose works of Penance?
From Jesus Christ, who gave to His Church the power, not only to loose, but also to bind (Matt, xviii. 18).
75. Is the Confession invalid, if the penitent does not perform the Penance enjoined?
If after Confession, through his own fault, he does not perform the Penance which in Confession he was willing and sincerely intended to perform, the Confession is not rendered invalid; but he commits a new sin, and deprives himself of many graces.
76. When should we comply with the Penance enjoined?
If the Confessor has fixed no time for it, the best way is to comply with it directly, and before we have fallen again into any grievous sin.
77. What should we do if the Penance seems to be too severe?
We should consider how light the present Penances are in comparison with the ancient Canonical Penances, and with the eternal punishment we have deserved; but if we should really be unable to do the Penance, we should respectfully mention it to the Confessor.
78. Should we perform that Penance only which the Confessor lays upon us?
We should also endeavor to satisfy the Divine Justice