and all present ought to help him to do so. It may be briefly done in the following words:
I believe, my God, in Thee,
I most firmly hope in Thee,
And I love most truly Thee,
And all men are dear to me.
All my sins are grieving me.
Which, I beg Thee, pardon me.
I resign myself to Thee,
Thank for good and evil Thee;
Nay, I'll live and die for Thee. Amen.
10. When should we receive Extreme Unction?
We should receive it if possible, whilst we are still in our senses, and after having received the Viaticum.
11. How often can Extreme Unction be received?
In each dangerous illness it can be received once; it can, however, be repeated on relapse into danger that had passed.
12. Is it not unreasonable for a person, from fear of death, to defer, or even neglect, the receiving of Extreme Unction until he is at the point of death?
Certainly; for,
1. Extreme Unction has been instituted even for the health of the body;
2. The sick person will recover more probably, if he employs in time the remedy ordained by God, than if he waits until he cannot recover except by a miracle; and
3. If his sickness be mortal, what should he wish for more earnestly than to die happy, which this Holy Sacrament gives him grace to do?
Relatives also, or attendants, of the sick person, sin grievously, if through their fault the last Sacraments are not administered to him in due time. ' His sisters, therefore, sent to Him, saying: Lord, behold, he whom Thou lovest is sick' (John xi. 3). The person who goes to call the Priest should be able to explain the condition of the patient, in order that the Priest may be able to decide whether or not he is to bring the Holy Viaticum with him.
Application. When God in His mercy visits you with