He only who is called to it by Godparents who, actuated by temporal . interests, force their children to take Holy Orders, sin most grievously, and are responsible for all the evil consequences resulting from it.
15. What should the faithful do in order to obtain worthy Priests and Pastors?
They should often and fervently pray to God for that grace, and render themselves worthy of it by their love of the Church and respect for the Priesthood.
'Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that He send forth laborers into His harvest' (Matt. ix. 38).
Application. Always show due respect and submission to Priests, as the Representatives of God and the Dispensers of His Holy Mysteries: and should you happen to perceive in any of them human failings and infirmities, do not be scandalized, but 'whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do; but according to their works do ye not ' ( Matt, xxiii. 3 ).
1. By whom was Matrimony instituted?
Matrimony was instituted by God Himself, when He gave to Adam in Paradise Eve for his wife, that they both might lead a godly life, and live together in faithful and indissoluble love.
2. Was the sanctity of Matrimony always respected according to its original institution?
No. When by sin the entire human race had fallen away from God, the contract of marriage was no longer kept so holy, until our Saviour came, and not only restored Matrimony as God had originally instituted it, but also elevated it to the dignity of a Sacrament.
3. How did Christ restore Matrimony to its original institution?
He ordained that Marriage should again, as it was from the beginning, subsist between one man and one