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erential attention, remembering that we have received it from our Divine Redeemer Himself.

§ 4. The Angelical Salutation.

49. What prayer do Catholics usually say after the 'Our Father'?

The prayer which is said in honor of the Mother of God, and is called the Angelical Salutation, or Hail Mary.

50. Why do we add the Angelical Salutation to the Lord's Prayer?

That the Most Blessed Mother of God may second our weak prayer by her powerful intercession with her Divine Son.

51. How many parts has the Hail Mary?

Two parts: A Prayer of Praise and a Prayer of Petition.

52. Of what is the ' Prayer of Praise' composed?

1. Of the words of the Archangel Gabriel: 'Hail [Mary], full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women'; and

2. Of the words of St. Elizabeth: 'And blessed is the fruit of thy womb,' to which we add the name of Jesus.

'Hail' is a term of salutation, equivalent to 'Ave' or 'Salve,' and means 'Be well,'' or 'I salute thee.'

53. When did the Archangel Gabriel speak those words?

When he announced to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would become the Mother of God (Luke i. 28).

54. When were the above words spoken by St. Elizabeth?

When Mary went into the hill country, and visited her cousin Elizabeth (Luke i. 42).

55. Why do we address Mary by these words: "Full of grace"?

1. Because Mary received great grace, even before her