The Catechism of Father Joseph Deharbe, S. J., first translated into English about half a century ago, has become so well known throughout this country that there is no need now to draw attention to its merits. It follows the triple catechetical method, using each in its appropriate place. The historical outline prefixed to the catechism proper furnishes, in sufficient detail, the historic proof of Revelation and the divine institution of the Church. The first part of the catechism treats of faith and what is to be believed; the second, of the Christian rule of life, i.e., the commandments of God and of the Church; the third, of the essential means of salvation, grace, and of the channels instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ for its communication. The dogmatic and moral teaching is accompanied by ample citation of proof from Scripture and tradition. Finally, the logical relation and sequence of subjects is insisted upon; so that the whole forms a well-articulated, comprehensive statement of our holy religion. It presents that religion truly, as a doctrine and rule of life embracing the whole man; given by God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, who has made it visible to men, and fruitful unto salvation in an enduring Society of which He is the Head, the Way, the Truth and the Life,
The present edition is based on the fifth American edition. No essential changes have been introduced; but many minor modifications, suggested by experienced teachers who have used the work for many years, have