We are most certain of the truths which Holy Church teaches, because Jesus Christ has pledged His word that the Church shall never be deceived.
14. Have not the Protestant sects also received their doctrine from Christ Himself, and preserved it uncorrupted?
No; for, 1. It is impossible that they should have received it from Christ Himself, since they did not begin to exist till long after Christ; and 2. It is equally impossible that they should always have preserved uncorrupted whatever portion of the doctrine of Christ and His Apostles may be held among them, because they teach at different times different principles, whereas. Christ and the Apostles always taught the same.
15. What, therefore, must the Catholic believe?
He must believe all that Cod has revealed and the Catholic Church proposes to his belief, whether it b& contained in the Holy Scripture or not.
The Church is considered to propose a truth to our belief when she recognizes it to be revealed by God, and commands us to believe it.
16. By what sinful act is faith lost?
Faith is lost by denying or wilfully doubting any single article proposed to us by the Church to be believed,
17. How is faith regained if it has been lost?
Faith when lost is regained by repenting of the sin committed and believing anew all that the Church believes and teaches.
18. If, then, the true faith is essentially necessary to salvation, and the Catholic faith is the only true one, is it not a great grace to be a Catholic Christian?
To be a Catholic Christian is an invaluable grace, for which we cannot thank God enough, and which we ought most earnestly to turn to our advantage.
Application. Rejoice, and often thank God that you. are a child of the Catholic Church; for there is, as St.