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'Prophecy came not by the will of man at any time; but the holy men of God spoke, inspired by the Holy Ghost' (2 Pet. i. 21).

24. How is the Holy Scripture divided?

The Holy Scripture is divided into the books of the Old and the New Testament, or of the Old and the New Law.

25. What Revelations does the Old Testament contain?

The Old Testament contains the Divine Revelations which were made to man before the coming of Christ.

26. Of what books does the Old Testament consist?

The Old Testament consists, 1. Of Twenty-one Historical Books, which relate the Creation of the world, the lives of the Patriarchs, and the History of the Jewish nation; 2. Of Seven Moral Books, which are collections of Psalms, of holy maxims, and of rules of life; and 3. Of Seventeen Prophetical Books, which mostly contain prophecies.

The Historical Books are: The Pentateuch, or five Books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy); the Book of Josue; the Book of Judges; the Book of Ruth; the four Books of Kings; the two Books of Chronicles or of Paralipomenon; the Book of Esdras; the Book of Nehemias, which is also called the Second of Esdras; the Book of Tobias; the Book of Judith; the Book of Esther;' and the two Books of the Machabees.

The Moral Books are: The Book of Job; the Psalms; the Proverbs; Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher; the Canticle of Canticles; the Book of Wisdom; and Ecclesiasticus, or Jesus, the Son of Sirach.

The Prophetical Books: Isaias; Jeremias; Baruch; Ezechiel; Daniel; Osee; Joel; Amos; Abdias; Jonas; Micheas; Nahum; Habacuc; Sophonias; Aggeus; Zacharias; and Malachias.

27. What Revelations does the New Testament contain?

The New Testament contains the Revelations which we have received through Jesus Christ and the Apostles.