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Page:Completeconfectioner Glasse 1800.djvu/131

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The Complete

very fast, if it does, put it in again; put lemon peel into the glasses; this quantity will make a dozen and an half of glasses.

Another Way.

Put two quarts of water into a clean pan, with half a pound of hartshorn shavings, let it simmer till near one half is reduced; strain it off, then put in the peel of four oranges and two lemons, pared very thin; boil them five minutes, put to it the juice of the before-mentioned lemons and oranges, with about ten ounces of double refined sugar; beat the whites of six eggs to a froth, mix them carefully with your jelly, that you do not poach the eggs; just let it boil up, and run it through a jelly-bag till it is clear.

Note.—When it is made for sick persons, only sweeten it, and tincture it with saffron.

To make Isinglass Jelly.

Boil an ounce of isinglass, and a quarter of an ounce of cloves, in a quart of water, till it is reduced to a pint; then strain it over some sugar.

Jelly for Moulds.

As this jelly requires to be a great deal stronger than for glasses, it will of course be necessary to have stronger things to make it with. You must take two calf's feet, and one neat's foot, take out the large bones, and cut them in small pieces; if you do not like the neat's foot, use two ounces of isinglass in its stead; put it into a large saucepan or pot, with a gallon of water, a lemon peel cut thin, and a stick of cinnamon; boil it gently
