Take the juice of twelve oranges, the yolks of eighteen eggs, double refined sugar sufficient to sweeten it to your taste, but not very sweet; set it over a slow fire, stirring it all one way till it grows thick; put in as much butter as the size of a walnut, and a little ambergris, keep it smooth with stirring, when it is thick put it into little china dishes, being dipt in water first, that it may turn out the easier.
Take the yolks of two hard eggs, beat them in a marble mortar with a large spoonful of orange flower water, and two spoonfuls of fine sugar beat to powder; beat all to a fine paste, add a like quantity of fresh butter just taken out of the churn, and force it through a fine strainer full of little holes into a plate.
Take three pints of the thickest and sweetest cream you can get, a pint of rhenish, half a pint of sack, three lemons, near a pound of double refined sugar, beat and sift your sugar, and put it to the cream; grate off the yellow rind of three lemons, put that in, and squeeze the juice of