Take a gallon of honey, eight gallons of water, a quarter of a pound of ginger sliced, and six whites of eggs beat with the shells; put all these into a convenient vessel, and let them boil till a fourth part of the liquor be wasted, scumming it all the time; to each gallon of water put a handful of rosemary; when your liquor is sufficently boiled, put in the remainder of your ingredients; and when all is boiled, strain your liquor through a hair sieve, and let it stand till it is thoroughly cold; then put a pint of ale yeast into the vessel, and put in the liquor; if the weather be cold, let it stand two or three days before you bottle it.
Take the honey out, and add as much water to the honeycombs as they will sweeten; let it stand to mix, boil it well, and scum it; when an egg will swim at the top it will be sufficiently boiled; then put it into a wooden vessel, let it stand till cold, and bottle it in stone bottles; you may boil it either with lemon thyme, rosemary, or cowslips.
Take fifty pounds of honey, fifty pounds of Belvidere raisins, and fifty gallons of water; boil these about fifteen minutes, keeping it well scummed; put it into the working tub, and put to it a pint of ale yeast, letting it work till the yeast begins to fall; when taken clear off, tun it, with the raisins, and throw into the cask a