when the sugar is as warm as milk, pour it over them. When quite cold, paper them down.
Take walnuts of the smaller kind, put them in salt and water, and change the water every day for nine days; then put them in a sieve, and let them stand in the air till they begin to turn black; then put them into a jug, pour boiling water over them, and let them stand till the next day; put them into a sieve to drain, stick a clove in each end of your walnut, put them into a pan of boiling water, and let them boil five minutes; then take them up, make a thin syrup, and scald them in it three or four times a day, till your walnuts are black and bright; make a thick syrup with a few cloves, and a little ginger cut in slices; skim it well, pour in your walnuts, boil them five or six minutes, and put them into your jars: lay brandy paper over them, and tie them down close with a bladder. They will eat better the second year after their keeping than in the first as their bitterness goes off with time.
Take the smaller sort of walnuts when full grown, and not shelled; boil them in water till very tender, but not to break, so they will become black; drain them and stick a clove in every one; put them into your preserving-pan, and if you have any peach syrup, or that of the white walnuts, it will be as well or better than sugar; put as much syrup as will cover the walnuts, boil them very well, scum them, and set