Take it in bunches as it grows, put on the fire a large deep stew-pan filled with water; when it boils throw in a little salt, put in your samphire, and when you see it look of a fine beautiful green, take off the pan directly, and with a fork take up the samphire, lay it on sieves to drain, and when cold, either preserve it, or dry it. If you frost them they will be very pretty.
Take the largest Dutch gooseberries, cut them across the head, and half way down, pick out the seeds clean, but do not break the gooseberries; take fine long thorns, scrape them, and stick on your gooseberries, put in the leaf of the one, to the cut part of the other, and so till your thorn is full, then put them in a new pipkin with a close cover; cover them with water, and let them stand scalding till they are green (before your water boils); while they are gently greening make a syrup for them, and take whole green gooseberries and boil them in water till they all break, then strain the water through a sieve; to every pound of hops put a pound and a half of double-refined sugar, put the sugar and hops into the liquor, and boil them uncovered, till they are clear and green, then take them up and lay them on pye plates, and boil your syrup longer; lay your hops in a very deep gallipot, and when the syrup is cold pour it on them, cover them with paper, and keep them in a stove for some time; afterwards in a very dry place.