let it cool a little, then lay it out on plates in what form you please; then dust them, and put them into the stove to dry.
Take the down off, which is done by making a lye, with five or six handfuls of green wood ashes, sifted and boiled, till the water is quite sleek, and smooth to the fingers; put in the apricots; let them soak till the down comes off easily; stir the ashes pretty often, to keep it from settling at bottom; take the pot off the fire to clean the fruit, and throw in fresh water as they are doing; then boil them in the fresh water as they are tender enough to sift, and boil the juice till it comes to a good consistence, stirring it continually for fear it should burn; weigh an equal quantity of fruit and sugar; and mix them well together off the fire; put them in moulds directly, and dry them as before.
Take two pounds of Morello cherries stone them, press out the juice, dry them in a pan, and mash them over a fire; then weigh them, and take their weigh in sugar beaten very fine, heat them over a fire till the sugar is well mixed, then dress them on plates or glasses; dust them when cold, and put them into a stove to dry.
Take the gooseberries when full grown, wash and put them into your preserving pan, with as much spring water as will cover them; boil them