of the lemon or orange; set it upon a gentle fire to melt it slowly; after which pour it upon a tin plate, which must be rubbed before with a little butter, or it will stick to the plate; then spread it with the rolling-pin as you did for the nuts (observe the rolling-pin must likewise be rubbed with butter, for fear it should stick) when this is done, and it is perfectly cold, cut it in what shape you please and send it up.
Take bitter almonds, boil them in water to take off their skin; after which place them in a stove to dry them; when they are well dried, take a grater and do as directed for the nuts; you must put the same weight of sugar as almonds.
Take about a pint of coffee made with water, put in it a pound of loaf sugar, set it on the fire, and boil it to a high degree, then add a full pint of double cream, and let it boil again, keeping continually stirring till it comes to caramel height; to know when it is come to that point, you must have a bason of water by you, dip your finger in it, and put it quickly in your sugar, then in the water again to remove the sugar, which will have stuck to it; take a bit of it in your teeth, if it is hard in its crackling take it off, it is to the height required; pour it upon a tin plate, and proceed as directed for the lemon bomboons: when it is warm you may cut it in little squares, lozenges, or any other shaped pastiles, and draw a few strokes over them with a knife.