Harlot." She was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, and upon her Forehead was written, "Mystery." I shriek'd, for I Knew her to be the Dry-nurse of that detested Imp, Despotism. I next addressed myself to Prudence—and earnestly besought her to plead my cause to the ministers; to urge the distresses of the lower order, and my fears lest so distrest they should forget their obedience. For the prophet Isaiah had informed me "that it shall come to pass, that when the People shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves and curse the King." The grave matron heard me—and shaking her head learnedly replied, "Quos Deus vult perdere, dementat." Again I besought her to speak to the rich men of the nation, concerning ministers of whom it might soon become illegal even to complain—of long and ruinous wars—and whether they must not bear the damage. All this (quoth Prudence) I have repeatedly urged; but a sly Impostor has usurped my name, and struck such a panic of Property, as hath steeled the heart of the wealthy and palsied their intellects. Lastly, I applied to Conscience. She informed me, that she was indeed a perfect ventriloquist and could throw her voice into any place she liked; but thatshe