to their merit, the production of one who has sacrificed all the energies of his heart and head, a splendid offering on the altar of Liberty.
Martyrs of Freedom—ye who firmly good Stept forth the Champions in her glorious cause,Ye who against Corruption nobly stood For Justice, Liberty, and equal Laws.
Ye who have urg'd the cause of man so well, Whilst proud Oppression's torrent swept along,Ye who so firmly stood, so nobly fell, Accept one ardent Briton's grateful song.
For shall Oppression vainly think by Fear To quench the fearless energy of mind?And glorying in your fall, exult it here As tho' no honest heart were left behind?
Thinks the proud Tyrant by the pliant law The timid jury and the judge unjust,To strike the soul of Liberty with awe, And scare the friends of freedom from their trust?