Our opponents are chiefly successful in confuting the Theory of Freedom by the practices of its Advocates: from our lives they draw the most forcible arguments against our doctrines. Nor have they adopted an unfair mode of reasoning. In a Science the evidence suffers neither diminution or increase from the actions of its professors; but the comparative wisdom of political systems depends necessarily on the manners and capacities of the recipients. Why should all things be thrown into confusion to acquire that liberty which a faction of sensualists and gamblers will neither be able or willing to preserve? "The simplicity of wants and of pleasures may be taken as the criterion of Patriotism. Would you prove to me your Patriotism? Let me penetrate into the interior of your House. What! I see your antichamber full of indolent Lackies; they give you still those vain Titles, which Liberty treads under foot, and you suffer it and you call yourself a Patriot! I penetrate a little further;-—your Cielings are gilded—magnificent Vases adorn your Chimney-Pieces—I walk upon the richest Carpets—the most costly Wines, the most exquisite Dishes, cover your Table—a crowd of Servants surround it—you treat them with haughtiness;—No! you are nota