cravings of Hunger the dark Tide of Passions should swell, and the poor Wretch rush from despair into guilt, then the Government indeed assumes the right of Punishment though it had neglected the duty of Instruction, and hangs the victim for crimes, to which its own wide-wasting follies and its own most sinful omissions had supplied the cause and the temptation. And yet how often have the fierce Bigots of Despotism told me, that the Poor are not to be pitied, however great their necessities: for if they be out of employ, the King wants men!—They may be shipped off to the Slaughter-house abroad, if they wish to escape a Prison at home!—Fools! to commit Robberies, and get hung, when they might Fight for his King and Country[errata 1] with impunity—yea, and have Sixpence a day into the bargain!
Bounties in truth are offered—great and unexampled Bounties—tho' not always as faithfully paid as magnificently promised. The price of Man-flesh offered to the British Private has almost reached the sum paid to the German Princes—"Death's prime Slave-merchants." And here we may properly describe the method of raising and packing up the human Commodities in the Germanmarket. Errata