Page:Concordia Triglotta.pdf/739

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[Die Schmalkaldiſchen Artikel.]

Artikel chriſtlicher Lehre,

ſo da hätten ſollen aufs Konzilium zu Mantua, oder wo es ſonſt worden wäre, überantwortet werden von unſers Teils wegen, und was wir annehmen oder nachgeben könnten oder nicht uſw.,

durch D. Martin Luthern geſchrieben

Anno 1537.


Articuli Christianae Doctrinae,

qui a nostris concilio, si quod vel Mantuae vel alibi congregandum fuisset, exhibendi fuerant, indicantes, quid recipere vel concedere possemus et quid non,

scripti a D. Martino Luthero

Anno 1537.


Articles of Christian Doctrine,

which were to have been presented on our part to the Council, if any had been assembled at Mantua or elsewhere, indicating what we could accept or yield, and what we could not.

Written by Dr. Martin Luther

in the Year 1537.