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BIRD:LORE Is now publishing a series of plates, by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Hotsfall, illustrating The Flalchers o[ Ilorlh America in olor 20 cents a copy $1.OO a year THE MACMILLAN CO. Fifth Avenue, - New Yorl? Cit?, Hand Boolx of Birds OF THE Western United States By FLORENCE MERRIAM BAILEY With thirty-three full-page plates by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, and over six hundred cuts iu the text. THII?D EDITION - Revised $,?.50 Net. Postpaid, $3.69 Houghton Mifflin Company 4 ParPi Street l?oston, Mass. XYhen replying to adverti.?ements l)lease Inentioll THE CONDOR