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TABLE SHO?rlNG CHANGE IN STATUS OF BIRDS ON THE MINIDOKA PROJECT, IDAHO 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 . 1912 1913 Dafila acura ......................... common common common abundant abundant Plegadis guarauna .................. lolerably common tolerably common rare tolerabl? common tolerably common common tolerably common Fulica americana .................... rare common abur?dant abundant abundant Gallinago delicata .................... rare rare common abundant abundant Actitis macula?:ius ................... abundant abundant Tyrannus vociferans ................. abun,dant tolerably common Centrocercus urophasianus ........... rare rare rare rare Asio flammeus ....................... abundant abundant rare rare toi?rably tolerably t61erabiy Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea ....... common common common rare rare rare rare tolerably Selasphorus platycercus .............. common common rare rare rare Tyrannus tyrannus .................... rare rare rare rare Otocoris alpestris merrilli ............. abundant abundant Chondestes grammacus strigatus ......


rare common rare Amphispiza nevadensis nevadensis... Hirundo erythrogastra ................ Dendroica auduboni ................... abundant tolerably common tolerably common rare Piranga ludoviciana ................... tolet ably common abundant abundant rare rare rare rare tolerably common abundant tolerably common common abundant rare rare tolerably common rare tolerably common common abundant rare tolt,rably common tolerably common tolerably Oreoscoptes montanus ................. abundant abundant common common rare rare rare Planesticus migratorius propinquus... rare rare tolerably cornmoll common c,mmon