.May, 1914 BIRDS OF NORTHERN MONTANA 129 Chen rossi. Ross Goose. One observed on the Teton River, near Choteau, M.ay 8, 1912. This bird seemed exhausted, and I was able to approach it and examine it closely before it flew. Brauta canadensis canadensis. Canada Goose. Common migrant in March and November, but not in such large numbers as the Snow Geese. For- merly bred commonly along the rivers, and is reported to still breed in small numbers along the Mafias River. Migration dates: November 24 to 28, 1912. Olor columbianus. Whistling Swan. Common migrant on the larger alkaline lakes. I examined the remains of a dead bird found on the shores of Priest Butte Lake, and from the position of the nostril identified it as this spe- cies. Migration dates are October 31, 1911, April 23, 1912, and November 9 to 28, 1912. Botaurus lentiginosus. Bittern. Summer resident in sloughs where rushes grow thickly, throughout the prairie portion of the region. Migration date: May 13, 1912. Ardea herodias herodias. Great Blue Heron. Summer resident on the Fig. 41. PRIEST BUttE, TETON COUNTY, MONTANA. larger rivers. Common on the lower Sun River, but I have not seen it on the other rivers of this region. Grus mexicana. Sandhill Crane. A pair observed near Choteau, April 28, 1912. l?orzana carolina. Sofa. Summer resident in sloughs and marshes of the prairies. A nest found near Choteau, June 13, 1912 (see CONDOR, xv, 1913, p. 128). Migration date: May 14, 1912. Fulica americana. Coot. Common summer resident and migrant. Nests are common in thick rushes about the borders of ponds and sloughs. In migra- tion the birds occur in large flocks on the alkaline ponds and lakes. Migra- tion dates: September 28, 1911, May 26, 1912, and November 9, 1912. Lobipes 1obatus. Northern Phalarope. Flocks observed in fall migration at Priest Butte Lakes, August 13 to September 4, 1911. Steganopus tricolor. Wilson Phalarope. Common summer resident in marshy places on the edges of alkaline ponds. Downy young observed in