154 THE CONDOR Vol. XVI The election for Editor and Business Man- agers resulted in the unanimous re-election of the. incumbents: & Grinnell, Editor; W. Lee Chambers and '& Eugene Law, Busi- ness 'Managers. Adjourned.--TRAcY I. STORE?, ?ecretary. MA?cH.--The regular monthly meeting of the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornith- ological Club was held at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, California, Thursday evening, March 19, 1914, at 8 r. M. President Bryant was in the chair with the following members present: Mesdames Allen and Grinnell, Misses Atsatt, Powell and Swezy, Messrs. Bryant, Carriger, Coo- per, Silliman, Smith, Storer, W. P. Taylor, and Trenor. Mesdames Cooper, Mead, and Taylor, and Mr. Powell, were present as visitors. The minutes of the Northern Division for February were read and approved and the minutes of the Southern Division for Feb- ruary were read. Mr.. W. T. Martin, Oak- land, California, and the persons proposed at the Southern Division in January were elected to membership. The names of Edna A. Andrews, 2233 Ellsworth St., Berkeley, California, and James Archibald MacDonald, Lathrop, California, both pro- posed by H. C. Bryant, Henry F. Bailey, 94 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, California, pro- posed by O. P. Silliman, and the names proposed at the Southern Division in Febru- ary, were read for the first time. The resig- nation of L. H. Duschak was read and ac- cepted. A communication from Prof. J. N. Bow- man, Secretary of the Pacific Association of Scientific Societies, to Mr. Law, was read and considered. The Southern Division de- cided at its February meeting that as a body it would not be able to take part in the meeting of the Association in Seattle, May 21 to 23 of this year. The members of the Northern Division were of the same opinion. After discussion it was moved and carried that the Secretary be empowered to act for the Northern Division in com- municating with the members of the Club residing in Oregon and Washington con- cerning such a meeting being arranged by those members. President H. C. Bryant then delivered an address entitled "The Cooper Club Mem- ber' and Scientific Work". This paper ap- pears in full in the present issue of THE CONDOR (see page 101). Mrs. Grinnell ex- hibited a series of the Allan Brooks paint- ings which are intended for Dawson's work upon "The Birds of California". Ad- journed.--TR.ACY I. STORER, Secretary. DIRECTORY OF MEMBERS OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB Revised to April 1, 1914 (Residence in California unless otherwise stated. Year following address indi- cates date of election.) HONORARY MEMBERS Allen, Dr. ,l. A., American Museum of Natural History, New York, N.Y. 1910. Beal, Prof. F. E. L., Biological Survey, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 1910. Belding, Lyman, Stockton. 1896. Merriam, Dr. C. Hart, 1919 16th St., Wash- ington, D.C. 1909. Ridgway, Robert, Route 7, Olney, Ill. 1905. Stephens, Frank, 3746 Park Blvd., San Diego. 1912. ACTIVE MEMBERS Adams, Ernest, Carlotta, Humboldt Co. 1896. Alexander, Annie M., 92 Seaview Ave., Pied- ' mont. 1908. Allen, Amelia S., Mosswood Road, Berke- ley. 1913. Allen, Arthur A., 115 Stewart Ave., Ithaca, N.Y. 1911. Anderson, Malcolm P., Menlo Park. 1901. Appleton, J. S., Simi, Ventura Co. 1901. Arnold, E., Freight Claim Agt., Grand Trunk Ry., Montreal, Quebec. 1909. Arnold, Ralph, 917 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. 1893. Arnold, W. W., 504 N. Nevada Ave., Colo- rado Springs, Colo. 1911. Atkinson, W. L., 35 Hawthorne Way, San Jose. 1901. Atsatt, Sarah R., 345 S. Serrano Ave., Los Angeles. 1911. Bade, Wm. F., 2616 College Ave., Berkeley. 1903. Bagley, J., Box 46, Eureka. 1913. Bailey, Bernard, R. D. 1, Elk River, Minn. 1911. Bailey, Florence Merriam, 1834 Kalorama Rd., Washington, D.C. 1910. Bailey, H. H., Box 154, Newport News, Va. 1903. Bailey, Vernon, 1834 Kalorama Rd., Wash- ington, D.C. 1904. Bales, Dr. B. R., 151 West Main St., Circle- ville, Ohio. 1906. Bangs, Outram, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. 1910. Barbour, Rev. Robert, Y. M.C. A., Mont-. clair, N.J. 1911. Barne. s, R. Magoon, Lacon, Ill. 1908.