116 Gambel's Sparrow. Zonotrichia leucophyrs gambeli. Jan. 13, 1896, I fired at random into a flock of Intermediate Sparrows. I secured several and among them one Gambel's Sparrow, the only one I have taken
117 Golden-Crowned Sparrow. Zonotrichia coronata. A few are seen every winter, generally in company with the Intermediate Sparrows.
118 Western Chipping Sparrow. Spizella socialis arizonæ. A regular migrant, but never very abundant. It is rarely seen during the winter.
119 Brewer's Sparrow. Spizella breweri. A regular but not common fall migrant.
120 Slate-Colored Junco. Junco hyemalis. On Feb. 8, 1897. I shot an adult male in a flock of Thurber's Juncos. On Nov. 3, 1898, I shot two more, both males.
121 Thurber's Junco. Junco thurberi. A winter resident, some years abundant and on others, hardly seen at all.
122 Heermann's Song Sparrow. Melospiza melodia heermanni. An abundant resident.
123 Lincoln's Sparrow. Melospiza lincolnt. A common migrant. A few are seen through the winter.
124 Townsend's Sparrow. Passerella tliaca unalascheensis. A winter visitant, not at all abundant.
125 Slate-Colored Sparrow. Passerella iliaca schistacea. On Dec. 14, 1896. I shot a female.
126 Spurred Towher. Pipilo Maculatus Megalonyx. Occasionally, but rarely seen in the winter.
127 Anthony's Towher. PiPilo fuscus senicula. In seven years I have seen just two of these birds in this vicinity.
128 Black-headed Grosbeak, Habia Melanocephala. A common migrant.
129 Western Blue Grosbeak. Guiraca cerulea lazuli. A fairly common spring migrant and in the fall the immature birds are quite abundant.
130 Lazuli Bunting. Cyanospiza amena. A common migrant. On one occasion a pair bred in the vicinity, but it was unusual.
131 Lowistana Tanager. Piranga ludoviciana. A common spring and fall migrant.
132 Clirf Swallow. Petrochelidon lunifrons. A common summer resident.
133 Barn Swallow. Hirundo erythrogaster. A migrant; the least abundant of the swallows.
134 Tree Swallow. Tachycineta bicolor. Occasionally seen during the winter. Quite abundant in February and March. Pass through in the fall but not so abundantly.
135 Violet-green Swallow. Tachycineta thalassina. A common migrant.
136 Bank Swwallow. Clivicola riparia. A migrant, but in what numbers it is difficult to say.
137 Rough-winged Swallow. Steleidopteryx serripennis. A migrant, much more abundant than the Bank Swallow; at least the great majority of those I have shot during the migration are of this species.
138 Cedar Waxwing. Ampelis cedrorum. A common spring migrant and some years quite abundant during the winter.
139 Phainopepla. Phainopepla nitens. Occasionally seen during the migrations, usually in the fall. I saw an adult male on Oct. 19, 1897, and another Jan. 31, 1898.
140 California Shrike. Laxius ludovicianus gambeli. A common resident.
141 Warbling Virko. Vireo gilvus. A common migrant.
142 Cassin's Vireo. Vireo cassini. A spring migrant, but though comparatively abundant in some years, in others it is almost or quite absent. On Oct. 13, 1898. I shot one, the only fall record I have made.
143 Huvron's Vireo. Vireo huttoni. Shot a female Dec. 6, 1898, the only one I have taken in this vicinity.